Are your surface preparation operations future-ready?
Transitioning from manual to automated surface preparation can be a daunting task. Some don’t see or don’t want to see the benefits. Others may create arguments for themselves why it will not work for them in their specific situation. Arguments about this can go on for hours, or even days, but the recent worldwide developments changed the world we’re living in and also the world we are working in.
We’ve been innovating the surface preparation business for years and have vast experience doing so. Thinking outside of the box is our second nature and the reasons why we think automating these processes is very important became strengthened by the pandemic.
For surface treatment companies in all segments (Maritime, Tank storage, Offshore) it highlighted a highly valuable but vulnerable link in the operations, namely the personnel executing the job in the field. Teams sat at home awaiting projects as investments were put on hold, restrictions prevented them from traveling or made proper executing of projects difficult or impossible. Lay-offs were inevitable in some cases.
Skilled Blasters Are A Valuable Asset
What we also come across is people and companies that think automating their processes will lay off people, but that’s not the case. Yes, the ever physically exhausting surface preparation works won’t be physically hard anymore, and yes, our crawler will do the blasting work that’s normally carried out by 5 or more people but that doesn’t mean they have to be laid off. When you’re in the luxury position of having skilled blasters, why not do them the pleasure to lighten their work and do yourself the pleasure of increasing your productivity and quality, and keeping those rare champion blasters?
Yet, because of the pandemic, older workers don’t return or do not want to continue their careers in surface treatment. They have found other work which is less intensive on the body. Younger workers start in the business but dislike the intensive impact on the body as well. They leave… And this leaves you as a business owner with a shortage of qualified and able personnel. It withholds you to execute projects on time or executing them at all.
To tackle the aging workforce problem and to attract new and skilled personnel, tools like the VertiDrive crawlers make sure your business, and operations are ready for the future, where the new generation of workers are equipped with the right tools to perform all surface preparation jobs.
Change is often scary or perceived as unwanted
We understand that changing your current surface preparation methods inevitably will stumble on resistance from various stakeholders. Therefore, we work with a solution-based approach in which (upon request) we establish a business case together with you. We take into account all the needed necessities for your surface preparation projects regarding finances, operations, even your nozzle configuration if you’re using UHP applications! And more.
Start optimizing your operations today!
You can start your journey by filling in our ROI calculator to see what your potential savings are! Or you can contact us and tell us about the goals you wish to achieve with your current operation, and we will tell you if a VertiDrive solution will make you reach that goal.
Wish To See Our Robots In Action?
Have a look in our resources library to find examples of our solutions in action on real job sites and on our own premises